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After a misunderstanding leads to a vicious fight at Flight Camp that leaves them both in the hospital, Cloud Kicker wanted absolutely nothing to do with Rainbow Dash. However, Rainbow refuses to let a single incident destroy their friendship, and has been writing Cloud Kicker letters ever since that horrible day. For more than two years Cloud Kicker has been throwing the letter into the trash unopened, but what will happen when she finally reads one? Can their friendship possibly be salvaged?

Side-story to "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Chapters (1)

Celestia sends Twilight a very special book that contains some of the oldest and most powerful magics known to ponykind. Included in the book is the way by which alicorns are created. Twilight visits her teacher in Canterlot to learn more, but gets much, much more than she bargained for.

I wasn't really sure what to tag this story. I chose the adventure tag because I see this story as an intellectual adventure for Twilight. Let me know if you think it should be something else and I'll change it.

Big thank you to GorisTheDeathclaw (my editor) for putting up with my typos and grammar fails, and for helping me in writing this. Also edited by my brother, but he's not worth mentioning.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle brings the plagues unto Canterlot when Celestia turns the others of the mane six to stone.

Chapters (1)

Since her return and rescue, Princess Luna has been looking for some way to properly honor the six mares who saved her from herself, but nothing she has been able to think of has seemed meaningful enough to repay her saviors.

Nothing, at least, until she spends Nightmare Night in Ponyville, and gets to actually know the six ponies to whom she owes such a great debt. She realizes she enjoys their company, and wishes for them to spend more time with her, that she might grow closer to them.

So, in accordance with many fine and ancient traditions, and after thinking it over for a good...couple of hours, easy, she proclaims that she shall marry all six of them. Oh, and that Twilight will be marrying Celestia, too.

Now would be the appropriate time for everypony to panic.

--Cover Art Courtesy of Zemious--
--Editing Graciously Provided By BronyWriter--

NB - The sex tag is in place for sexual situations and suggestions; the story is, and shall remain, free of explicit sex.

Chapters (8)

Twilight's friends are demanding that she explain her recent actions, but all she seems to want to do is give a lecture about an obscure type of magical artifact to her new pet rock.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash comes out to her friends in a desperate attempt to find support as she flounders under the guilt of her sexual identity... but are the bonds of her friendship with the others really as strong as she hopes they are? Not an über-OOC or lynch mob fic.

Chapters (1)

A bizarre incident involving an exploding pig at the Carousel Boutique leaves Rarity in shock and unable to work. Twilight keeps her nice and comfy at the library, but Rarity still has duties to fulfill. Somepony will have to take her place for a few days. Shenanigans ensue.

Also, obligatory author's note:
Good morrow, fellow FIM fictionwriters! This be my first pony-oriented fiction, so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. :D I've been a fan of FIM since July 2011, and I love a good bit of creative writing (and reading :P) - but only recently did I think that I needed to write a little something about our favorite pint-sized equines. Cheers to my brother for helping out with the ideas process, and proofreading it. He's got a fic of his own in the works, so look out for that one soonish, I guess. :P

Chapters (7)

Pumpkin and Pound Cake are approaching their first birthday! Pumpkin meets with her Conference of Toys to plan a surprise party for her brother (challenging, since they're twins).

Chapters (1)

A relatively normal day is disrupted when Luna learns that Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath, has escaped from Tartarus and is making his bid for conquest, starting with Ponyville. More horrifying though... is that fact that only she seems to care. Time is of the essence, and no one, Celestia included, seems worried about the impending disaster. Will Luna be able to rally the army, shake the citizens of Canterlot from their strange apathy, and save the day?

No. No she will not.

Everypony in this town is crazy.

(Special thanks to my Prereaders, many of whom do not have accounts, for convincing me this fic didn't suck. Also, thanks to Danmakuman for the cover art!)

Chapters (1)